The bundling and meshing of our services is the source of our strength as an integrated solution provider: we give you access to space and infrastructure, and continue to develop these. We support you with our know-how for the planning, implementation, and operational phases of your plant, but also with services related to your production. Also tap into the synergies available at a chemical park: the strong integrated flow of materials and links into the chemical park network. Any further growth of your plant also presents no problem: The chemical park GENDORF has an expansion potential of roughly 50 ha, away from residential areas.
You need to grow? The chemical park GENDORF will grow with you.
Our specialists will develop your site concepts – for both current optimization requirements but also for purposes of strategy development. We also conduct concept studies concerning site and factory security. We help to envision the future for your site.
Zum fünften Mal in Folge hat sich InfraServ Gendorf mit „qualifizierten freiwilligen Umweltleistungen“ am Umweltpakt beziehungsweise am Umwelt + Klimapakt Bayern beteiligt – das ist dem Bayerischen Umweltministerium eine besondere Auszeichnung wert.
Mit einer innovativen Pendler-App hat der Chemiepark GENDORF eine Antwort auf das ausgedünnte ÖPNV-Angebot gefunden.