InfraServ Gendorf is closely tied to the history of the GENDORF Chemical Park and the ChemDelta Bavaria. While InfraServ Gendorf has only been in existence as an independent company since the 1990s, the roots of the services that InfraServ Gendorf renders today as the site operator reach back to the 1930s, when "Werk Gendorf" was built in Burgkirchen as a chemical production plant. Today the GENDORF Chemical Park with its wide range of chemical and pharmaceutical companies grew between 1993 and 1998 from the former production site of the Hoechst group, and was the first chemical park of its kind in Bavaria. It has been and continues to be the economic engine in the region and shapes the chemical industry in south-eastern Bavaria.
InfraServ Gendorf developed itself parallel to the transformation of the chemical park from an individual company into a modern composite system of roughly 30 companies: from an in-house service provider into a modern site operator whose integrated solutions are increasingly in demand by companies outside of the GENDORF Chemical Park.
Zum fünften Mal in Folge hat sich InfraServ Gendorf mit „qualifizierten freiwilligen Umweltleistungen“ am Umweltpakt beziehungsweise am Umwelt + Klimapakt Bayern beteiligt – das ist dem Bayerischen Umweltministerium eine besondere Auszeichnung wert.
Mit einer innovativen Pendler-App hat der Chemiepark GENDORF eine Antwort auf das ausgedünnte ÖPNV-Angebot gefunden.