We not only supply with with energy, but also advise you on how you can procure services optimized for cost. Our objective is to supply you with energy and media as cost-effectively and resources-efficiently as possible. In order to achieve this objective, we investigate your entire energy demand and develop an energy supply concept to match your specific requirements. Our experts keep themselves abreast of the latest state of the art for energy engineering and will find a feasible path toward greater energy efficiency that will also reduce your costs. It goes without saying that we will do so by looking at the current price situation as well as future price scenarios and the constantly changing legal framework conditions.
Zum fünften Mal in Folge hat sich InfraServ Gendorf mit „qualifizierten freiwilligen Umweltleistungen“ am Umweltpakt beziehungsweise am Umwelt + Klimapakt Bayern beteiligt – das ist dem Bayerischen Umweltministerium eine besondere Auszeichnung wert.
Mit einer innovativen Pendler-App hat der Chemiepark GENDORF eine Antwort auf das ausgedünnte ÖPNV-Angebot gefunden.