• Social Affairs & Society

Social Affairs & Society

As a medium-sized company and operator of Bavaria’s largest chemical park, we are particularly aware of our social responsibility. We see ourselves as a corporate citizen. As such, we maintain a good relationship with our neighborhood and get actively involved in our community though sponsoring, donations and the dedication of our own employees. This way, we contribute to supporting the region we live in and face potential problematic issues.

Support for Eligible Projects

InfraServ Gendorf and its employees take targeted action beyond our corporate responsibilities in the form of donations and sponsoring – especially for projects in our region. These are part of our CSR activities and are conducted with strategy efficiency. A committee reviews all requests without exception and decides which grants to provide. Our donation, grant and sponsoring activities are concentrated on eligible causes such as education, environment and social affairs.

It is our pleasure to offer you to apply your support worthy project at InfraServ Gendorf. To this our donation guidelines provide a valuable assistance.

Donation requests can be submitted to:

InfraServ GmbH & Co. Gendorf KG
Geschäftsleitung Industrieparkstraße 1
84508 Burgkirchen a.d.Alz
E-Mail: info@infraserv.gendorf.de

Cards on the table: InfraServ Gendorf is in touch with its Neighbors

As operator of Bavaria’s largest chemical park, we have always ascribed great value to active and open communication with our neighbors. After all, only transparency and dialog promote mutual understanding, which is very important for the sustainable development of our chemical park as an economic force in the region. We transparently publish up-to-date reports on our internet sites, provide information in meetings or informational events with our neighbors and regularly open our doors to the public at open houses for the chemical industry. InfraServ Gendorf has set up a public telephone hotline – and not only in case of events which affect the neighborhood, but also for other queries and concerns which the public may have. Further information can be found on our neighborhood portal www.gendorf.de.


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Bildungsakademie Inn-Salzach