Bild Nachhaltiges Wachstum am Chemiepark GENDORF
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Services related to production and employees

Training and continuing education

Our experts at the Inn-Salzach Training Academy (BIT) provide the training and continuing education of your future experts.

The Inn-Salzach Training Academy, located in Burgkirchen a.d.Alz between Passau and Munich, is the central training facility at the chemical park GENDORF.  


As subsidiary of InfraServ Gendorf we offer professional training and continuing education at the highest possible quality level under the "BIT GENDORF" label. This includes hands-on and future-oriented training of qualified junior employees on behalf of and for the needs of the chemical park GENDORFand other principals. We also offer a broad range of seminars and training courses for subject-matter experts and managers.


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Trainings and seminars

Bildungsakademie Inn-Salzach